
KAQI journal abstracts

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Vol (number) 4(3)
title Narrative Inquiry into Successful People¡¯s Life after their Accomplishment in Korean Society
author(s) Hye-Jin Kim¡¤Young-Joo Han (Korean Counseling Graduate University)
Keywords success, successful people, life aft er success, narrative inquiry
Abstract Th is study on the successful people¡¯s life aft er their accomplishment in Korean Society
is aimed to comprehend how these people live their lives aft er success, what success
means to them, what processes and changes they went through, and how the life
stories unfolded for them. Th e life of research participants were explored in three-dimensional
aspects of time, society, and place as the successful people¡¯s life aft er their
accomplishment in Korean Society is a collection of stories that these people have
been, are and will be living. Narrative Inquiry(Clandinin, & Connelly, 2000), one
of the qualitative research methods to understand and offer meaning to experiences
of successful people¡¯s life aft er the success, was selected to conduct the research. Th e
participants who experienced both subjective - accomplished their own goals - and
objective successes - success acknowledged by the society - were selected from diff erent
sex and occupation, age of 60 years or older([Kim Jae-Hyun], [Joo Yeon-su], [Lee
Sang-Woo]). Th e life of the participants aft er the success were segmented in chronological
order and examined, following the time sequence. Th ese experiences are titled
as ¡®Never ending story¡¯, ¡®Th e moment when two lives are connected¡¯, and ¡®Right at this
moment, as it is¡¯ to revitalize the language of the participants.
The success to the participants is something dwelling in each individual¡¯s life; it is
diffi cult to express in one word or sentence. Th e researcher and the participants have
experienced a change through the story of life aft er success, and the genuine meaning
they found in the process in life aft er success is ¡°Here and now, accept this moment as
it is.¡±
Hye-Jin Kim¡¤Young-Joo Han 4(3).pdf