
KAQI journal abstracts

clicks 1062
Vol (number) 4(3)
title Linguistic Turn, Critical Linguistics, and Critical Discourse Studies as Research Methodology
author(s) Dongil Shin (Chung-Ang University)
Keywords critical discourse analysis, discursive practice, linguistic turn, critical linguistics, Halliday, Foucault, Fariclough
Abstract The purpose of this study is to provide theoretical and methodological resources
to understand how CDS (Critical Discourse Studies) has been emerged as a research
methodology. In this review of literature, the theoretical foundations will first be
discussed on the tradition of linguistic turn and structuralistic movement, including
Althusser¡¯s ideology, Foucault¡¯s power and discourse, Gramsci¡¯s hegemony, Hall¡¯s cultural
study, as well as the tradition of critical linguistics including Halliday¡¯s systematic
functional grammar, and Bakhtin¡¯s intertextuality. CDS clearly intends to incorporate
social theories into discourse analysis and advocates social commitment and interventionism
in researches. The main features and domains of CDS are discussed in
this paper, with emphasis on the theory formation (how texts and discourses work
in ideological interests with powerful political consequences) by one of CDS¡¯s most
prominent scholars, Norman Fairclough. Th e strengths as well as the limitations of the
Fairclough¡¯s model-based research are also discussed. In the conclusion, the article
makes some suggestions for future directions of CDS methodological development.
Dongil Shin 4(3).pdf