
KAQI journal abstracts

clicks 1321
Vol (number) 4(1)
title Transgredience of Learning: Understanding Korean Students' Participation in Five Types of Shadow Education
author(s) Youngchun Kim (Chinju National University of Education)
Keywords shadow education in Korea, gwawoe, hakwon, hakseupji, internet hakwon, banggwahu sueop
Abstract This study aims to contemplate on new learning method and culture based on shadow education, For this purpose, the study explored the specific types of shadow education, how it is recognized by students through literature review, document analysis and interview. As a result, five types of Korean shadow education were identified. First, Gwawoe (Home-visit private tutoring) provides long-term learning precisely customized to individual student based on 1:1 teaching and learning. Second, Hakwon (Private tutoring institute) is chosen for a short-term education goal such as improving test score through group learning and systematic learning course. Third, Hakseupji (Subscription to learning program) provides systematic learning for each curriculum level with low cost. Fourth, Internet Hakwon (Internet-based private tutoring) is a teacher-oriented teaching provided entirely on online space. Fifth, Bangwahu Sueop (After-school Program) is a shadow education directly ran by school, consisting of educational programs on entire aspect of curriculum and speciality & aptitude development. The implications of this study are as below. First, there is a need to conduct followup research for the shadow education, based on the context of this study. The cases of Korean shadow education needs to be analyzed with various methods such as
phenomenology, narrative exploration and research execution. Also, additional research is required about the relationship between shadow education and school education. Through understanding of Korean shadow education, the dynamic relationship between school education and shadow education needs to be studied to define the relationship. Lastly, from post-colonialism point of view, the characteristics and definition of Korean shadow education needs to be presented in details. Rather than using the terms and concepts developed by Western shadow education research, there is a need to adopt the term that we made and developed.
Youngchun Kim.pdf