
KAQI journal abstracts

clicks 1455
Vol (number) 1(2)
title Narrative Analysis of Five-Year-Old Children Reading Wordless Books
author(s) Yujung Kong ¡¤ Suyoun Kim ¡¤ Sojeong Youn ¡¤ Hyunjung Hu(Myongji University)
Keywords wordless picture book, narrative, creating a story together
Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the educational aspects of reading picture books and wordless picture books with children in a small group. Based on these educational benefits, this study attempted to understand the process in which 5-year-old children read and comprehend wordless picture books. This study found that the narrative of children when reading wordless books is categorized into three different processes: developing a plot individually, constructing a plot within the book, and, lastly, bringing a plot into the outside world. When children were reading the wordless book together, they communicated with each other, while creating a storyline; on the other hand, when they were reading alone, children did not communicate as much. Additionally, some of the children described a picture in the book and reconstructed a new story, projecting their own experience. Meanwhile, some children added up more plots to a book through an imaginative narrative, using onomatopoeia mimetic words – words that are formed by imitation of a sound. I expect the study can offer insights for teachers, planning an activity with wordless picture books, to better understand the inner psychological workings in children¡¯s learning, development, and the importance of a cooperative narrative between children.