
KAQI journal abstracts

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Vol (number) 1(2)
title A Qualitative Case Study on the Application of Narrative Therapy to Suicidal Adolescent
author(s) Soojin Kim(Chonnam National University) / Haneul Ko(Gwangju University) / Boyoung Kim(Honam University)
Keywords suicide, attempt, adolescent, narrative therapy, qualitative case study
Abstract The purpose of this case study was to explore a suicidal adolescent¡¯s narratives of her life to understand ¡®how she had lived¡¯ and ¡®what experiences she had gone through in those situations¡¯ by applying narrative therapy. Data were collected during the period from November 2012 to January 2013 through in‐epth personal interviews, program reports (program worksheet, reflection journal), the researcher¡¯s note on thoughts and feelings coming up through the process of interview and notes developed during the process of transcription. Collected data were analyzed by diagramming concepts defined by Miles & Huberman (1994)¡¯s network/matrix method, by naming the concepts as semantic units, with focus on chief complaints and interview goals. The conclusion drawn from the results of this study were as follows.
First, the participant, as a main character of her own stories, stated the narratives of her life, and by doing so, came to be relieved from enmity against others and the world and came to have attachment to and responsibility for her life. Second, the participant¡¯s self‐steem was enhanced so that she came to seek effective problem solving through narrative therapy. Third, the participant¡¯s stress and anger were resolved as her emotion was softened through self‐xpression with no restriction, in the form of narrative, and in the process, her negative beliefs against others and family relationships were changed to have a more hopeful view of future and alternative narratives. These results suggest that narrative therapy may be able to enable the participants to be detached from their problems to see them in distance, and offer a breakthrough to fine hope in their life.