
KAQI journal abstracts

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Vol (number) 1(1)
title Collage Approach in Qualitative Research:Representation of Life History on a Korea Multicultural Elementary School Student
author(s) Jisun Ryu ¡¤ Young Chun Kim(Chinju National University of Education)
Keywords collage, artistic approach in qualitative research, collage as qualitative research, collage representation of a Korean multicultural student
Abstract This research was the first effort to transform the qualitative data called ¡°Bongsik¡¯s life¡± into collage in Korea. Even though there has been much iscussion and researches on the collage representation of qualitative data in the West, it is new and unfamiliar to Korean research community. Thus, one of the authors who¡¯s academic ackground is oil painting carefully read the text collected from other researcher whose academic background is curriculum studies in multicultural education and transformed the total 30 page-long text of life history of an elementary school student called Bongsik. Since he was raised and educated under multicultural parents (unemployed Korean father and Filipina mother), the researchers thought that the boy¡¯s educational and developmental issues and problems in Korean context would be better represented through image/collage form rather than literary text. The researchers hope that the collage work of Bongsik¡¯s life story will be improved through further academic discussion and criticism.